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Sue 发表于 2011-4-14 13:36


Question: By continually looking and searching in oneself does not one
become egotistic?

KRISHNAMURTI: Certainly, you do become egotistic. That is what has happened. Why ask such a question? I have never been advocating that. On the contrary, all these processes of psychoanalysis, dissecting oneself, watching oneself in action, introspection, must necessarily bring about a narrowing down of mind and heart, which we call egotistic. I have been talking of exactly the opposite. I have said that in self-analysis there is destruction and I have explained the reason why. You analyze only when you have not understood, and to understand is not to analyze, to look back, but to meet everything afresh, anew—not to reopen a dead thing and examine that dead thing. From that you will not understand. But if you are fully awakened, alive, alert, and you meet an alive thing, then you will understand that. And inthat awakened interest all the hindrances of the past come into being, without your delving into the subconscious to bring it out. You cannot understand a dead thing, you can only understand a live thing.

So naturally, the more and more you think about your actions—the more and more you watch, introspect, and analyze—the narrower, the more irksome, tiresome, struggling becomes your life. That is what has happened. This is self-discipline, this search for certainty, assurance—all this has led to a deep, subtle egotism.




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