《我所知道的克里希纳穆提》节选--- 默默无闻的度过一生——fqzhao译
Susunaga-Weeraperuma (SW) (《我所知道的克里希纳穆提》作者), Krishnamurti (K)SW: 克里希纳吉,我在今天的晚报上读到一条有趣的消息。科伦坡(译注:斯里兰卡首都)市政府提议下次委员会上授予您以市民待遇。
K: 市民待遇究竟是怎么一回事?
SW: 市民荣誉通常颁发给有重大或卓越贡献的个人。
K: 上帝啊!我是个可怜的普通人,我没有卓越的个性,只有已消灭的个性!(大笑)
SW: 在这个颁发仪式上可能总理会出面欢迎你并且演讲赞扬您。您会得到一个代表斯里兰卡上层名流签署的书卷。
K: 这书卷里会写什么?
SW: 当然是记录你各种的贡献和灵性成就。
K: 我不想要任何人的任何证书。
SW: 克里希纳吉,我觉得拒绝这个邀请非常可惜。这是演讲的大好机会,至少有一部分政治家可能会从此一直关注你的教导。为什么不给他们受益的机会呢?
SW: 既然您说要回避政治家可您却和英迪拉甘地夫人一直有交往!
K:这不一样。英迪拉是个老朋友。她的父亲尼赫鲁曾经在贝拿勒斯(印度东北部城市瓦腊纳西)探望过Amma(Dr. Annie Besant) 和我。
SW: 好的,我这就去。 但是如果他们坚持为你举办这个仪式,我想您也阻拦不了他们。
K: [b]无论你做什么,无论在哪里生活,记住要避开众人的目光。切莫追求风光和名誉。我曾讲过,想要在报纸上看到自己的名字的欲望是最大的庸俗。躲开庸俗的人群,过正确的生活;在朋友、亲戚、周围的人之间毫不显露。像一颗大树隐藏在森林的深处,默默无闻的度过你的一生。[/b]
SW: 您为什么反对政治家?他们之中一定有一些还是很想帮助这个社会的。
K: 任何一个被野心和权利欲望驱使的人都不会好到哪去。他们要对这世界上如此多的不幸负责任。在印度人们对政治领导人过分小题大做。很多人站着烈日下几个小时只是为了看看一个大人物,好像他是某种特殊动物一样!当你知道他们只是为了中饱私囊而在政治领域里闪耀,为什么还给他们这么多的重要性?政治家散发着腐败的臭味。因此一个良善的人应该远离政治和有关它的活动。如果你希望帮助贫苦,改善社会条件,那么首先第一步你自己要成为一个好人。这种良善本身就会给社会带来有益的影响。
(由fqzhao翻译,转自[url=http://www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn/viewthread.php?tid=2329&highlight]http://www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn/viewthread.php?tid=2329&highlight[/url]=) 原文
SW: Krishnaji, I have just read an interesting item of news in today’s evening paper. A certain member of the Colombo Municipal Council will be introducing a motion concerning you at the next meeting of the Council. His motion states that you should be accorded a civic reception by the Municipal Council of the city of Colombo.
K: What exactly takes place at a civic reception?
SW: Civic receptions are accorded only to distinguished individuals by the mayor and prominent citizens.
K: Good Lord! I am a poor Mr. Nobody whose individuality has been extinguished! Not distinguished but extinguished! (loud laughter).
SW: At the reception probably the Prime Minister will welcome you and speeches will be made in honour of you. You will be presented with a scroll signed by eminent persons from Sri Lanka.
K: What will the scroll contain?
SW: Surely they will refer to your various achievements and your spirituality.
K: I don’t want a certificate from anybody!
SW: Krishnaji, I think it will be a great pity if you turn down such an invitation. What an opportunity to make a fine speech! At least a few of the politicians who listen to you may become permanently interested in your teachings. Why should you deprive them of the benefit of your message?
K: If those politicians are seriously interested in what I have to say, what prevents them from attending my public talks? Sir, you are so naive that you fail to see through the behaviour of politicians. Can’t you see that they are all politically motivated? I refuse to be used by politicians. I avoid them.
SW: You say that you avoid politicians but you associate with Mrs. Indira Gandhi!
K: That’s different! Indira is an old friend. Her father Pundit Nehru used to visit Amma (Dr. Annie Besant) and me when we were in Benares.
SW: Please reconsider what I have suggested.
K: I am sorry. Please telephone this member of the Municipal Council and ask him to withdraw his motion from the agenda. Will you please telephone him immediately?
SW: Yes, I will. But if they insist on having a ceremony in honour of you, I don’t think you can stop them from doing it.
K: Let them do what they like but I will not be there!
SW: I will be telephoning soon.
K: Whatever you may do in life or wherever you may happen to live, always avoid publicity. Do not crave to be in the limelight. The other day I was telling some people that the desire to see your photograph published in the newspapers is the greatest vulgarity. Shun the vulgar crowds and lead a righteous life that is unbeknown to your friends, relatives and associates. Like a mighty tree that is hidden deep in the forest, remain anonymous all your life.
SW: Why are you against politicians? Surely some of them are genuinely desirous of helping society.
K: Anyone who is driven by ambition and the lust for power simply cannot be good. They are responsible for so much mischief in the world. In India people make a great fuss over their leading politicians. Thousands stand in the burning sun for hours just to see an important politician as though he were some kind of strange animal! Why give them such importance when you know that they aspire after political leadership only because they want to feather their own nests? Politicians reek of corruption. So a good person has to keep away from politicians and all their activities. If you wish to help the poor and improve social conditions, then the first step is to be a good person yourself. That very goodness will have a beneficial impact on society. 我上次想请人帮助翻译的文章就是这个,读起来不乏味很有趣。