《关系的真谛:做人、交友、处世》 (摘自第九章:你和社会)
2. 你是社会的写照你是世界的写照,你的问题就是世界的问题,这是最简单不过的事实,不是吗?一直以来,我们在与个人或众人相处时,对此好像多少有些忽略了。我们想借助某种体系或变革基于这个体系的思想与价值观来改变现存世界,却忘了这个世界原本是你和我共同创造的,忘记了这个世界如此混乱或秩序井然皆缘自你、我的生活方式。所以,我们必须贴近生活,也就是说必须关注自己的日常生活,关注那些体现在我们情感和行为方式中,体现在谋生方法和思想、信仰里的每日所思、所感和所为,也就是我们的日常生活。我们关心自己的生计,努力找工作、挣钱;我们在乎同家人、邻里的关系;我们关注自己的思想和信仰。现在,如果你用心体察,会发现自己开拓事业主要是因为妒忌,而不仅仅是要谋生。社会如此构建,难怪总是不断上演冲突和更迭;它建立的基础包括贪婪、妒忌、对上司位置的觊觎;职员想晋升经理,这说明他不仅考虑谋生,把事业作为养家糊口的手段,他也想籍此获得地位和威望。
这种态度自然会严重损害社会和人际交往,但是,如果你、我都只是求生存,应该会找到合适的途径,而不是基于妒忌。妒忌在人际交往间最具破坏力,它是想要拥有权力、地位的表现,终难避免玩弄权术;妒忌和权术相互依存。职员,一旦想坐上经理的位置,就会卷入挑起对抗的权力政治中,他也因此成为冲突的直接促因。 感谢lizz的真诚奉献!:) 谢谢你的鼓励和支持! 英文原文如下:
2. You are society
What you are, the world is. So your problem is the world’s problem, surely, this is a simple and basic fact, is it not? In our relationship with the one or the many we seem somehow to overlook this point all the time. We want to bring about alteration through a system or through a revolution in ideas or values based on a system. Forgetting that it is you and I who create society, who bring about confusion or order by the way in which we live.
So we must bring near, that is we must concern ourselves with our daily existence, with our daily thoughts and feelings and actions which are revealed in the manner of feelings and actions which are revealed in the manner of earning our livelihood and in our relationship with ideas or beliefs. This is our daily existence, is it not? We are concerned with livelihood, getting jobs, earning money; we are concerned with the relationship with our family or with our neighbors, and we are concerned with ideas and with beliefs. Now, if you examine our occupation, it is fundamentally based on envy, it is not just a means of earning a livelihood. Society is so constructed that it is a process of constant conflict, constant becoming; it is based on greed, on envy, envy of your superior; the clerk wanting to become the manager, which shows that he is not just concerned with earning a livelihood, a means of subsistence, but with acquiring position and prestige.
This attitude naturally cerate havoc in society, in relationship, but if you and I were only concerned with livelihood we should find out the right means of earning it, a means not based on envy. Envy is one of the most destructive factors in relationship because envy indicates the desire for power, for position, and it ultimately leads to politics; both are closely related. The clerk, when he seeks to become manager, becomes a factor in the creation of power-politics which produce war; so he is directly responsible for war.