Consciousness appears to be a very complex affair but actually it is very simple. Thought has put together all the content of our consciousness - its security, its uncertainty, its hopes and fears, the depression and elation, the ideal, the illusion. Once this is grasped - that thought is responsible for the whole content of our consciousness - then the inevitable question arises - whether thought can be stopped? Many attempts have been made, religious and mechanical, to end thought. The very demand for the ending of thought is part of the movement of thought. The very search for super consciousness is still the measure of thought. The gods, the rituals, all the emotional illusion of churches, temples and mosques with their marvellous architecture, is still the movement of thought. God is put in heaven by thought.Thought has not made nature. It is real. The chair is also real, and it is made by thought; all the things technology has brought about are real.
Illusions are that which avoid the actual (that which is taking place now) but illusions become real because we live by them.
The dog is not made by thought, but what we wish the dog to be is the movement of thought. Thought is measure. Thought is time. The whole of this is our consciousness. The mind, the brain, the senses are part of it. We are asking can this movement come to an end?
Thought is the root of all our sorrow, all our ugliness. What we are asking for is the ending of these - the things that thought has put together - not the ending of thought itself but the ending of our anxiety, grief, pain, power, violence. With the ending of these, thought finds its rightful, limited place - the everyday knowledge and and memory one must have. When the contents of consciousness which have been put together by thought are no longer active, then there is vast space and so the release of immense energy which was limited by consciousness. Love is beyond this consciousness.
给学校的信,1979年7月15日 - 自我中心 Questioner: Are you asking us to stop thought?
Krishnamurti: Again, if we may point out, that is a wrong question. If thought tells itself to stop thinking, it creates duality and conflict. This is the very divisive process of thought. If you really grasp the truth of this, then naturally thought is in abeyance. Thought then has its own limited place.Thought then will not take over the whole expanse of life, which it is doing now.
给学校的信,1979年8月15日 - 文字 那么真正的问题是:这三周以来,大家听这些讲话,我们谈到了人类生存的方方面面,谈到了苦难、痛苦和快乐,谈到性,谈到不道德、社会不公、民族分歧、战争,如此等等,你们看到其中真相了吗?那智慧起作用了吗?而不是“我”在起作用。如果你说“我必须做我自己”,这就是当代人的口号,当代人的陈腔滥调,你检查一下这句话,“我必须做我自己”,到底我自己是什么?不就是无数的高谈阔论,不就是无数的结论、传统、反应、记忆和一堆的过去吗?而你却说“我想做我自己”,这太幼稚了。
智慧的觉醒 - 智慧和宗教生活