(摘自教育系列与学生们的讨论)K: Mr Narayan. I have known him for a number of years and I have talked to him and he has talked to me, he has told me his problems, and I have understood. I have talked to him, I have communicated with him.
S: Then you can't really describe a person as he is.
K: No, I can't. Therefore I am not prejudiced.
S: Is that all there is to it then?
K: No. There is much more to it. A human being is a very complex person. Right? Very complex. I have only understood Mr Narayan very, very little, and that little doesn't prejudice me. I say I understand a little. And I really don't know Mr Narayan.
S: So you can't say anything about him unless you know him.
K: That's all, that's all. So I have no prejudice. I can't say, I know Mr Narayan. That would be stupid on my part if I say, 'I know Mr Narayan'. Right? I only know a little bit, that which he has told me, which he has conveyed to me, and so on. Very little.
克:就是这样,就是这样。所以我没有偏见。我不能说,我了解那拉扬先生。如果我说“我了解那拉扬先生”,那我就很愚蠢。对不对?我只知道一点点,他告诉我的那一点点,他传达给我的那一点点。非常少。 If I have prejudices against you, I won't be able to understand what you are talking about, or what you want to tell me, I cut you off. So to find out what you are, what you are actually telling me, I mustn't have prejudices, I mustn't have opinions, I must be free to listen to you.
如果我对你有偏见,我就不能理解你在说什么,或者你想告诉我什么,我把你隔断了。所以要发现你是怎样的,你实际上在告诉我什么,我就不能有偏见,我就不能有观点,我必须要自由地听你说。 What is important is not to have prejudices, not to have opinions, so that you can understand, look at people. If you have prejudice you can't love people.
重要的是不要有偏见,不要有看法,这样你才能去了解人们,观察人们。如果你有偏见,你就不能爱别人。 K: So prejudices act that way. I have prejudices against him, they become a block. Right?
克:所以偏见就是这么运作的。我对他有偏见,它们(偏见)就变成了障碍。对不对? S: Prejudices for him?
K: Against him. Either I like him and therefore I have prejudices in his favour; or I don't like him I have prejudices against him. Right? Now what happens if I have prejudices?
S: You don't understand him.
K: I don't understand him, I don't see what he says clearly. I don't want to understand him. So it is like a dark glass - you understand? If I have a dark glass in the window I can't see the sun clearly, can I?
S: No.