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标题: 勇气是怎么回事? [打印本页]

作者: 简单和弦    时间: 2010-1-15 19:54     标题: 勇气是怎么回事?


作者: 凡人    时间: 2010-1-16 10:55

你只是希望成就自己吧  做了一件需要很大勇气的事 心里很有成就感 觉得自己了不起  这就需要勇气
作者: Sue    时间: 2010-1-16 14:53


The root meaning of the word value is strength. It comes from the word valour. Strength is not a value. It becomes a value when it is the opposite of weakness. Strength - not of character which is the result of the pressure of society - is the essence of clarity. Clear thinking is without prejudices, without bias;it is observation without distortion. Strength or valour is not a thing to be cultivated as you would cultivate a plant or a new breed.It is not a result. A result has a cause and when there is a cause it indicates a weakness; the consequences of weakness are resistance or yielding. Clarity has no cause. Clarity is not an effect or result; it is the pure observation of thought and its total activity. This clarity is strength.


作者: 简单和弦    时间: 2010-1-18 14:00

作者: Sue    时间: 2010-1-18 14:21



作者: Sue    时间: 2010-1-18 14:25



HAVE YOU EVER sat very quietly without any movement? You try it, sit really still, with your back straight, and observe what your mind is doing. Don`t try to control it, don't say it should not jump from one thought to another, from one interest to another, but just be aware of how your mind is jumping. Don't do anything about it, but watch it as from the banks of a river you watch the water flow by. In the flowing river there are so many things - fishes, leaves, dead animals - but it is always living, moving, and your mind is like that. It is everlastingly restless, flitting from one thing to another like a butterfly.
     When you listen to a song, how do you listen to it? You may like the person who is singing, he may have a nice face, and you may follow the meaning of the words; but behind all that, when you listen to a song, you are listening to the tones and to the silence between the tones, are you not? In the same way, try sitting very quietly without fidgeting, without moving your hands or even your toes, and just watch your mind. It is great fun. If you try it as fun, as an amusing thing, you will find that the mind begins to settle down without any effort on your part to control it. There is then no censor, no judge, no evaluator; and when the mind is thus very quiet of itself, spontaneously still, you will discover what it is to be gay. Do you know what gaiety is? It is just to laugh, to take delight in anything or nothing, to know the joy of living, smiling, looking straight into the face of another without any sense of fear.
     Have you ever really looked anybody in the face? Have you ever looked into the face of your teacher, of your parent, of the big official, of the servant, the poor coolie, and seen what happens? Most of us are afraid to look directly into the face of an- other; and others don't want us to look at them in that way, because they also are frightened. Nobody wants to reveal himself; we are all on guard, hiding behind various layers of misery, suffering, longing, hope, and there are very few who can look you straight in the face and smile. And it is very important to smile, to be happy; because, you see, without a song in one's heart life becomes very dull. One may go from temple to temple, from one husband or wife to another, or one may find a new teacher or guru; but if there is not this inward joy, life has very little meaning. And to find this inward joy is not easy, because most of us are only superficially discontented.
     Do you know what it means to be discontented? It is very difficult to understand discontent, because most of us canalize discontent in a certain direction and thereby smother it. That is, our only concern is to establish ourselves in a secure position with well-established interests and prestige, so as not to be disturbed. It happens in homes and in schools too. The teachers don't want to be disturbed, and that is why they follow the old routine; because the moment one is really discontented and begins to inquire, to question, there is bound to be disturbance. But it is only through real discontent that one has initiative.
     Do you know what initiative is? You have initiative when you initiate or start something without being prompted. It need not be anything very great or extraordinary - that may come later; but there is the spark of initiative when you plant a tree on your own, when you are spontaneously kind, when you smile at a man who is carrying a heavy load, when you remove a stone from the path, or pat an animal along the way. That is a small beginning of the tremendous initiative you must have if you are to know this extraordinary thing called creativeness. Creativeness has its roots in the initiative which comes into being only when there is deep discontent.
     Don't be afraid of discontent, but give it nourishment until the spark becomes a flame and you are everlastingly discontented with everything - with your jobs, with your families, with the traditional pursuit of money, position, power - so that you really begin to think, to discover. But as you grow older you will find that to maintain this spirit of discontent is very difficult. You have children to provide for and the demands of your job to consider; the opinion of your neighbours, of society closing in upon you, and soon you begin to lose this burning flame of discontent. When you feel discontented you turn on the radio, you go to a guru, do puja, join a club, drink, run after women - anything to smother the flame. But, you see, without this flame of discontent you will never have the initiative which is the beginning of creativeness. To find out what is true you must be in revolt against the established order; but the more money your parents have and the more secure your teachers are in their jobs, the less they want you to revolt.
     Creativeness is not merely a matter of painting pictures or writing poems, which is good to do, but which is very little in itself. What is important is to be wholly discontented, for such total discontent is the beginning of the initiative which becomes creative as it matures; and that is the only way to find out what is truth, what is God, because the creative state is God.
     So one must have this total discontent - but with joy. Do you understand? One must be wholly discontented, not complainingly, but with joy, with gaiety, with love. Most people who are discontented are terrible bores; they are always complaining that something or other is not right, or wishing they were in a better position, or wanting circumstances to be different, because their discontent is very superficial. And those who are not discontented at all are already dead.
     If you can be in revolt while you are young, and as you grow older keep your discontent alive with the vitality of joy and great affection, then that flame of discontent will have an extraordinary significance because it will build, it will create, it will bring new things into being. For this you must have the right kind of education, which is not the kind that merely prepares you to get a job or to climb the ladder of success, but the education that helps you to think and gives you space - space, not in the form of a larger bedroom or a higher roof, but space for your mind to grow so that it is not bound by any belief, by any fear.

作者: 简单和弦    时间: 2010-1-19 13:21


各种形式的冲突显现为生活方式,而没有它我们就认为生活没有意义.对我们大多数人来说, 斗争的停止就是死亡.寻求意味着斗争,冲突,而这个过程对人类而言难道是至关重要的吗?或者有没有一种没有寻求和斗争的不同的生活"方式"呢?我们为什么寻求呢?寻求什么呢?

作者: Sue    时间: 2010-1-19 15:32


作者: 凡人    时间: 2010-1-19 16:01

回8楼 我觉得已经 迟钝 麻木的 心智是 觉察不到的 他们不需要克  他们只需要做他们喜欢做的就可以了 克的教诲真是给那些 敏感 还在迷茫中的人准备的 呵呵
作者: Sue    时间: 2010-1-19 16:05


作者: 简单和弦    时间: 2010-1-19 18:44

作者: 凡人    时间: 2010-1-19 22:12

说点个人感觉  一个人本质决定了他对哪些东西感兴趣 当他没有找到  他永远不满足  我想的就是这个中途所谓迷茫。。追求世俗的东西  还是 那些也不能满意。。
作者: 凡人    时间: 2010-1-19 22:14

如果是敏感的  那么便会体会他人痛苦 也会觉知自己的痛苦 那么他便会无法逃避 只有征服痛苦  而不仅仅是投身与世俗的满足  娶妻生子 人际关系 各种娱乐就能满足
作者: 凡人    时间: 2010-1-19 22:16

如果我是敏感的 我就会觉知别人的局限,尽管他们是不觉察的 我也会觉知自己的局限 痛苦等  我无法逃避 我只有彻底征服他们
作者: 简单和弦    时间: 2010-1-20 12:52






作者: 凡人    时间: 2010-1-20 14:11

回15楼  说点个人感觉  我在某种思维模式的 影响下会自动化的反映 我有渴望 欲望 幻想 我会向外寻找 扩张   那时那个思维模式并没有被觉察到  用个克的比喻就是我们只看到了火焰  没有看到火  当一天天觉察深入你的意识 就是觉察那个火焰 那个主导你的思维模式 就会被看见了  一旦出现了局限  我瞬间就可以看见那个思维模式   那么一旦被看见  头脑就停止了 安静 了   那么  当你越来越深入的看到那些局限 那些局限 就会被 清理 你会越来越觉得自由 或者 无限
作者: 凡人    时间: 2010-1-20 14:19

我们心中 那些标准 就是我们要清理的东西   这也就是局限  当一个人奋斗的时候 他是热情的 充满活力 的   如果你有标准了 偏见了 你还能看到新的东西吗 你只是用你过去的背景看 就像 透过一块黑色的玻璃 看

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