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Q: Sir, what happens when the other person behaves to confirm your image?
     K: Suppose one's wife has no image about the husband, what is the relationship then between the husband and the wife who has no image? You understand the question? That's what you are asking. You understand sir? You are violent and the other person is not violent, then what is the relationship? Have you any relationship, except perhaps sensory, sexual, have you any relationship? Obviously not. But you are living in the same house. So what will you do? Sir, you are not facing it, moving with the facts, you see that's why you are living with ideas, that's the difficulty in this matter.
     All right, sir, let's go into it. My wife has no image about me. First of all, that's the most extraordinary way of living. You understand? In that perhaps there may be real profound love. She has no image about me but I have an image, pictures, ideas, all that in me piling up, and we are living in the same house. What takes place? She is free, I am not. And I create the conflict, not she. Right? I want her to have an image about me because I am used to that, so I begin. A most destructive relationship goes on. Right? Until she says, enough. Does she divorce me? Go on sirs, this is your job, face it. Leave me? Or her having no image of me has brought about a totally different atmosphere in the house. You understand sir? You have never done this, do test it out sirs. There is a totally different - I am beginning to be aware because she is immovable, you understand, and I am moving all around. So I begin to see when I meet something that is immovable something happens to me. Isn't it happening to you now? Oh, come on sirs!
     Sir, a man goes from one religion to another, one guru to another, one philosophy - you know, plays around, around, around, and another man says, I have been through all that, out, finished. He is immovable. You understand? So what happens? Test it out.

Being nobody, going nowhere.

Suppose a wife has no image about her husband; what then is the relationship for the husband? The husband is violent and the wife is not violent. Is there any relationship - except perhaps through the senses, sexually - is there any relationship? Obviously not, but they are living in the same house. So what will the husband do? First of all that is a most extraordinary way of living, in which there may perhaps be real, profound love. The wife has no images about her husband, but he has images, ideas all the time, piling up. They are living in the same house. What takes place? She is free, he is not. He wants her to have an image about him, for he is used to that. ~o the most destructive relationship goes on till she says, "Enough". Does she divorce him, leave him? Perhaps, since she has no images about him, a totally different atmosphere has been brought about in the house. He is beginning to be aware because she is immovable - you understand? - and he is moving all around. When he meets something that is immovable, something happens to him.
Being nobody, going nowhere.


Now the questioner asks: we are in conflict, must it end? If we battle with each other all day long, as most people are, struggle, conflict, you know, the bitterness, the anger, the hatred, the repulsion - we bear it as long as we can and then comes the moment when we have to break. We know the familiar pattern of it, there are more divorces after marriages. And the questioner asks: what is one to do? If I am everlastingly in conflict with my wife and somehow I can't patch it over, must the relationship end? Or I understand basically the cause of this disruption, of this conflict, which is the sense of separate individuality and I have seen the illusory nature of it and therefore I am no longer pursuing the individual line, therefore what takes place between me, who has perceived that and lives it, not verbally maintains it but actually lives it, then what is my relationship with the person, with the woman who still thinks in terms of the individual? You understand my question?
     It is very interesting. Go into it. I see, or she sees - better put it onto her - she sees the foolishness, the absurdity, the illusory nature of the individual, she understands it, she feels it, and I don't because I am a male, I am more aggressive, more driving and all the rest of that. So what takes place between us? She has comprehended the nature and I have not. She won't quarrel with me, never - right? She won't enter into that area at all but I am constantly pushing her, driving her and trying to pull her out of that area. I am creating the conflict, not she - you have understood how the whole thing has moved? Are you following all this? The whole thing has moved. There are no two people quarrelling but only one. See what has taken place. And I, if I am at all sensitive, if I have real feeling for her, I begin to also transform because she is irrevocably there - you understand? She will not move out of that area. See what happens. If two immovable objects meet there is conflict. I don't know if you see. But if one is immovable, the lady, and I am movable I naturally yield to that which is immovable - right? I wonder if you understand this. This is very simple.
     So the problem then is resolved if one has real comprehension of relationship, without the image - which we went into previously. Then by her very presence, by her very vitality of actuality she is going to transform me, help me. That is the answer. Got it?

Being nobody, going nowhere.





好吧,先生,让我们来探讨一下。我的妻子对我没有意象。首先,这是最非凡的生活方式。你明白吗?其中或许就有真正深沉的爱。她对我没有意象,但我有意象、画面、观点,那一切在我心中堆积着,而我们生活在同一所房子里。会发生什么?她是自由的,我不是。是我制造了冲突,而不是她。对吗?我想让她对我有意象,因为我习惯了这样,所以我就开始了。一种极具破坏性的关系发生了。对吗?直到她说,够了。她会跟我离婚吗?继续,先生们,这是你的工作,面对它。(她会)离开我吗?或者她没有对我的意象,这点就会为整个家带来一种完全不同的氛围。 你明白吗,先生?你们从未这么做过,先生们,请务必来检验一下。会截然不同——我开始意识到因为她是不动的,你明白么,而我在四处活动着。所以我开始明白当我遇到某种不动的东西时,有些事情就在我身上发生了。现在这在你身上没发生吗?噢,拜托了,先生们!



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